Friday, November 14, 2008

That's not my name

They call me buttercup,
They call me sunshine,
Maybe (insert new name here),
Drives me insane,
That's not my name
That's not my name
That's not my name!

Lol. I'm putting my feelings into a song...sure reminds me of someone :P
You can probably figure out by now that it's me they're talking about ..not the first post though, that's good ol boobboob2k2, another member of our group who is what we call....unique.

While i should be honoured to be one of the first topics posted, those names just ain't Unfortunately, the sentimentalist and the sepet seem to think it yes, im stuck in a cup of butter for now...

And of all the pictures they could have uploaded, just had to choose the one with me being a weirdo...this is oppression at its worst! Lol.

Oh well, I guess i'll leave them to their over imaginative thoughts....

The first of soccer freaks has arrived...beware all non Chelsea supporters! (Lol..dat was lame)


Michelle said...


Nice try, buttercup. (:
You can sing that song skipping down the marshmallow trail.

SEPET said...

that is your name
that is your name
